Icididunt Ut Labore Et Dolore
These Are the Heroes with the Passion to Transform Their Communities
Our Partners
India | Maharashtra
Trusted legacy of engineering excellence
Shapoorji Pallonji And Company Private Limited is a global, diversified organisation of 15 major companies. We deliver end-to-end solutions in 6 business segments, including Engineering & Construction, Infrastructure, Real Estate, Water, Energy and Financial Services. Our dedicated workforce of over 35,000 people in over 40 countries is focused on sustainable development while developing megastructures and iconic landmarks.
Prancis | Marseille
Marine & logistics overview
As international service provider, Bourbon Marine & Logistics offers high quality services to leading actors in the oil industry, in all areas of operation: continental and deep offshore.
Indonesia | Jakarta
Badan Keamanan Laut Republik Indonesia
Badan Keamanan Laut Republik Indonesia adalah badan yang bertugas melakukan patroli keamanan dan keselamatan di wilayah perairan Indonesia dan wilayah yurisdiksi Indonesia.
Indonesia | Batam
We are Committed to A Perfection
Founded in 2006, CITRA SHIPYARD has grown to be one of the biggest-one-stop-service shipyard in the local maritime industries. We operate two shipyards. The newer and larger shipyard in Kabil spans across 42 hectares, whilst the other shipyard in Kampung Becek covers 24 hectares.
Both shipyards are well equipped with pier space, workshops for the different trades, extensive area for building new Barges, CPO, SPOBs and Tug Boats. Our numerous heavy machineries, and galore of equipments, efficient facilities and ready to work, ready to be deployed skilled work-force enables us to prioritise the shortest possible completion period.
Indonesia | Tanjungbalai Karimun
Galangan kapal kami terletak di Tanjung Balai, Karimun, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia. Dengan wilayah yang luas dan aliran air yang dalam, galangan kapal ini mempunyai keunggulan karena lokasinya yang merupakan kawasan Free Trade Zone di Indonesia. Galangan kapal juga berlokasi strategis dekat dengan Selat Malaka dan dekat dengan Singapura.
Galangan kapal mencakup area seluas sekitar 200 ha, dimana 50 ha telah dikembangkan dan digunakan sebagai wilayah operasional utama kami. Didukung oleh garis air sekitar 1,3 km dan kedalaman air 10-12 m, galangan kapal kami memiliki kapasitas untuk mengerjakan kapal berukuran besar.
Indonesia | Jakarta
Badan Nasional Pencarian dan Pertolongan
Kami terus berkomitmen untuk selalu memberikan pelayanan dan pertolongan terbaik kepada masyarakat.
Indonesia | Jakarta
Mewujudkan Kedaulatan Energi hingga Pelosok Negeri
Pertamina berfokus pada upaya-upaya untuk memastikan ketersediaan energi nasional yang inklusif berdasarkan prinsip availability, accessibility, affordability, acceptability dan sustainability
Australia | Melbourne
Keeping Northern Australia Connected
Sea Swift delivers scheduled freight and cargo services in Queensland through the Torres Strait and Cape York Peninsula, and throughout the Northern Territory.
Indonesia | Jakarta
Begins from the shipyard to the Vessel Company’s We started our operation in the 1980s with a ship repairing yard in Batam, Indonesia. Over the years, wer have been building & purchasing vessels for sale & charter. We are currently operating over 16 vessel of up to 3500 bhp mainly in the south east Asian waters. Our operation are supplemented by our strong network all over the region as well as our shipyard facilities. We present ourselves to be a strong, realible & competitive provider in the marine transportation & offshore oil gas industries
Indonesia | Jakarta
PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry ( Persero) atau ASDP adalah BUMN yang bergerak dalam bisnis jasa penyeberangan dan pelabuhan terintegrasi dan tujuan wisata waterfront . ASDP menjalankan armada ferry sebanyak lebih dari 160 unit yang menangani lebih dari 300 rute di 36 pelabuhan di seluruh Indonesia dan mengembangkan bisnis lainnya terkait dengan pengembangan kawasan pelabuhan, seperti Bakauheni Harbour City di Provinsi Lampung dan Kawasan Marina Labuan Bajo di Nusa Tenggara Timur.
Indonesia | Jakarta
Offshore Transfer & Cargo
LD Ports & Logistics, a Louis Dreyfus Armateurs’ (LDA) specialist subsidiary for all Logistics and Port Operations. We design and operate your most complex maritime logistics projects.
Indonesia | Jakarta
The Energy Company Choice
Aktivitas MedcoEnergi di bidang eksplorasi dan produksi minyak dan gas dimulai ketika MedcoEnergi mengakuisisi kontrak eksplorasi dan produksi Tesoro di Kalimantan Timur (TAC dan PSC) pada tahun 1992, serta mengambil alih 100% saham PT Stanvac Indonesia dari Exxon dan Mobil Oil pada tahun 1995.
Indonesia | Batam
We offer end-to-end engineering services supporting the complete life cycle of maritime and offshore assets. Leveraging our core competencies and technical know-how, we help our customers build, repair, decommission and recycle maritime assets for an environmentally sustainable future.
Indonesia | Jakarta
Dawn of a new Era
The shipyard makes a brave move into the 21st Century with the inception of a new marketing campaign. Stay tuned to our new social media channels on wordpress, twitter and Facebook coming soon.
Indonesia | Jakarta
PT. Bandar Abadi Shipyard was established for over a decade with expertise and experience in ship building, ship repairing, ship conversion and numerous steel fabrication works. The company is characterized by its willingness to scale up, ability to innovate, to strengthen its capabilities, and in implementing new ideas, technology, systems and processes to constantly provide an uncompromising service quality for the betterment of its customers.